Are You Good to Grow?

An event for digital pioneers growing great businesses

Are you ready to grow a great digital business?

A great digital business is one that grows with minimal friction, more fun and way less stress. It sounds easy, but it requires a specific set of skills and knowledge. 
Let's be honest. For many of us, leading a digital, software or tech business for the first time, we're winging it - making it up as we go along - mistakes are inevitable.
Often we are dealing with difficult situations and making tough decisions in lonely isolation - without experience, support or guidance. 
The stakes are high and the pressure is on.  What's the smart way to deal with this?

The Breakthrough Programme for Digital Pioneers

If it's time to get serious about growing your business - be that a digital/creative, software or technology solutions business - you are in the right place.
This is a structured programme of learning where the work isn't theory - these aren't exercises you might use one day -  you'll be putting it all into action immediately. The people you'll be learning with are as focused, passionate and as bright as you are. They are determined to make their businesses successful too. And they are not your competitors.
Our groups are hand-picked so you and your business are not competing with the people in the room. This is a safe place. This is where it's OK to be vulnerable, OK share our challenges and failures as well as our successes and our triumphs.
This is where it's OK to admit that things aren't always OK. Running a business is about solving problems and meeting challenges and here you'll be supported by people who understand the pressures and the difficulties. 
This will be hard work. It will make you think. You will be challenged. You will be expected to honour your commitments and do your homework. 
The conversations are stimulating, the environment electric and, although this is a serious business, there will also be laughs. Plenty of those.
In 12 months, you and your business will be in a very different place. You will have done the groundwork, built your knowledge, created and communicated the vision and the plan, and adopted systems that can cope with serious growth.
You are about to make your business magnetic to customers and talent. 
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Is this for you?

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If you are a first-time CEO 

It's exciting and scary - we know, we've been there. You want to:

  • Skill up fast with structured workshops
  • Avoid common pitfalls
  • Get feedback on your ideas and plans
  • Build a supportive network 
  • Gain confidence fast
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If it's time to grow

When it's time to change gear, you need a new skill set:

  • You are a proven expert in your field but that isn't business growth
  • Growth brings a new set of challenges
  • It's time to growth hack and learn new skills
  • Now you have to become an expert CEO
  • You want to do this right, first time
Person Silhouette

If it's time to break the cycle

You've grown your business to a point, but it's fallen back.

  • This time you want to make growth stick 
  • It's time for a breakthrough
  • It's time for a proper plan 
  • It's time to invest in yourself and your business
  • It's time to take growth seriously

Your Invitation To A FREE Taster Session

If you like the idea of joining a Breakthrough Programme but want to make sure it's right for you and, let's face it, worth the money, why not check out one of our taster sessions. A taster session gives you a chance to meet us, meet the types of people you'd be working alongside, and get an overall feel of what the programme's all about. They last for three hours and we alternate between morning and afternoon sessions (timed to work around school runs).

What is it?

You are being invited to a FREE taster event for business leaders and entrepreneurs in the digital, software and technology solutions arena.

The purpose of the event is to allow you some space to work on your business rather than in it, in the company of like-minded business leaders. We'll be asking you some thought-provoking questions, geared to helping you gain clarity about your personal and business future.

This includes discussing how you: set your goals; keep your staff accountable; make it much easier to know what’s going on in the business – staff, sales, finances etc. without it taking up all of your time; improve engagement with prospects; increase value (and revenues) from clients; ultimately create an awesome company which staff enjoy working at and customers love dealing with.

What will we do?

We’ll pick away at the reasons why it’s so challenging to build the efficiency, consistency and control essential to the growth of any business. Then we’ll introduce the 10 steps or systems every business needs to have in place if they’re going to achieve that level of control.  

As we go through the processes, you’ll complete some tools to chart where you currently sit with each stage, so you can build a really clear picture of where you’re doing well and what needs working on. Naturally, we think we can help you to become stronger across all the areas through the programme but, if you decide it’s not for you, you’ll still have a really useful template to work from in the future. 

We’ll also take a peek at the rewards that every founder is motivated by and show how your business can be tailored to make them become a reality. 

When and where?

Taster sessions are run at The Hilton Hotel in Bournemouth, Dorset. They start at a school-run-friendly 09:30 and run through to 12:30 or 14:00 to 17:00. Your choice.

Hilton Hotel Bournemouth

Would you like a place on a FREE Breakthrough Programme taster session?


Book Your Place